11 março, 2013

Chico Buarque de Hollanda – Compacto Duplo (1967)

I think this is another great finding sponsored by my mother, who brought this compacto duplo (EP) in her last contribution to our community. I could not find this little record listed in any discography checked and I believe he brings something never released on regular Chico Buarque albums, which is the recording of of Roda Viva, featuring the vocal group MPB-4 in the III Festival da Musica Popular Brasileira in 1967. My memory has not been very good recently, but I remember someone asking for this tune. Let's see.
This is Chico Buarque de Hollanda - Compacto Duplo (1967), for RGE, featuring the participation of MPB-4 at Roda Viva in III Festival da Musica Popular Brasileira and Carolina, taken from the II Festival Internacional da Cancao, Rio de Janeiro. This cover artwork alone worth the admission of this nice album. I would like to say thanks to everybody and give my apologies for the recent outages at Loronix, my work on these issues are not finished and probably we will have a better and fast website as soon as the situation gets back to normal. Tracks include:
01 - Roda Viva (Chico Buarque) with MPB-4 at III Festival da Musica Popular Brasileira
02 - A Televisao (Chico Buarque)
03 - Carolina (Chico Buarque) at II Festival Internacional da Cancao
04 - Um Chorinho (Chico Buarque)

de: "Órfãos do Loronix" <donotreply@wordpress.com>
para: sulinha.imprensalivre@gmail.com.