16 junho, 2013

Geraldo Vandre – Canto Geral (1968) - Órfãos do Loronix

Geraldo Vandré - Canto Geral
Hello, good evening! I need energy this week, we are about to release a new website, which is the first Brazilian instrumental music encyclopedia, something already spoken here at Loronix. This is the final week; the website is schedule to go live next Monday and these days should be really busy down here.
Meanwhile, it is important to keep Loronix updated, but the announcement of our last 700 hundred albums donator needs to be postponed once again. It is an extremely important contribution that needs to be formally addressed with all the necessary bells and whistles.
There is also a very important event today that I Loronix will be missing, which is Antonio Carlos Jobim 14th years passing in 8th December 1994. This is a really important date and I will make a special post in the forthcoming days. Anyway, let's make this album, the second contribution by our so far mysterious friend. Let's rock!
This is Geraldo Vandre - Canto Geral (1968), for Odeon, featuring the participation of Trio Maraya delivering vocals, instrumental arrangements, vocal arrangements and their typical instruments playing, such like queixada-de-burro, ca-chi-chi and viola. According with Luiz Americo and his 100 Discos Fundamentais compilation, this is the most politically engaged Geraldo Vandre album, released in a time where Brazil was about to enter on the hardest period of the military dictatorship with the release of AI-5. You can check Luiz Americo review at this link. By the way, Canto Geral is listed at Luiz Americo website as one of the 100 essential Brazilian popular music albums. Tracks include:
01 - Terra Plana (Geraldo Vandré)
02 - Companheira (Geraldo Vandré)
03 - Maria Rita (Geraldo Vandré)
04 - De Serra de Terra e de Mar (Geraldo Vandré / Theo de Barros / Hermeto Pascoal)
05 - Cantiga Brava (Geraldo Vandré)
06 - Ventania (De Como Um Homem Perdeu Seu Cavalo e Continuou Andando) (Geraldo Vandré / Hilton Accioli)
07 - O Plantador (Geraldo Vandré / Hilton Accioli)
08 - João e Maria (Geraldo Vandré / Hilton Accioli)
09 - Arueira (Geraldo Vandré)
10 - Guerrilheira (Geraldo Vandré / Hilton Accioli)

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Para: centroculturalresistencia@yahoo.com.br