

01 setembro, 2013

Clara Nunes - Fantástico (2008) (DVD)


Clara Nunes
Os Musicais do Fantástico das décadas de 70 e 80
Released 2008 Globo - EMI
Approximately 65 minutes

This is an hour-long collection of 'videoclipes' from Clara Nunes as shown on the show Fantástico (still on the air) across the peak years of her career. None of these clips are actual live performances, but rather lip-sync'd and mimed for the cameras, so like a lot of analogous programs elsewhere (Beat Club, some of the Old Grey Whistle Test clips) these were like a precursor to today's "music video." In this case we get Clara's resplendent aura and beauty, her afrobrazilian celebration of religiosity, and some pretty amazing clips shot outdoors celebrating the other natural wonders of Brazil aside from Clara herself. There are also a few 'guest' appears from the likes of Sivuca and a rather bewildered-looking Adironan Barbosa. Although I am still holding out for some live footage of the great Clara Nunes to surface, this is a fine collection and well worth watching.
