

28 agosto, 2013

Radames Gnattali – Joias Musicais Brasileiras (1954) - Orfaos do Loronix

Hello, good evening! My Internet access stills very limited with extremely slow upload rates. I did not want to keep Loronix with no updates today and my solution was gathering a 10-inch album, which is not an issue since we have truly amazing albums to explore in the format. This one is a perfect example, this is the second LP released by Maestro Radames Gnattali at Continental. For reasons that I cannot understand Radames Gnattali name is not available at the front cover, just like the first one. It is necessary to read the back cover for this information. I would like to remember that covers and individual tracks are always available at the end my writings as individual downloads; the covers are available as direct download links with no Rapidshare. Let's see.
This is Radames Gnattali - Joias Musicais do Brasil (1954), for Continental, featuring Radames Gnattali selections. arrangements and piano. A small and not credited band makes the accompaniement. All my searches on this album failured, which was the way I choose to retrieve credit information on the good musicians we have here, especially the guitar and accordion player. Tracks include:

01 - Rancho Fundo (Ary Barroso / Lamartine Babo)
02 - Despertar da Montanha (Eduardo Souto)
03 - Casinha Pequenina (Tradicional)
04 - Luar de Paquetá (Hermes Fontes / Freire Júnior)
05 - Nuvens (Eduardo Souto)
06 - Carinhoso (Pixinguinha / João de Barro)
07 - Guacyra (Hekel Tavares / Joracy Camargo)
08 - Linda Flor (Henrique Vogeler / Cândido Costa / Luiz Peixoto)


De: Orfaos do Loronix <comment-reply@wordpress.com>
